Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Appliqued Guitar for my little boy...and some tears!

For the boy in my life!
I made this guitar applique shirt for my little boy.
He wants to play the guitar, be a drummer and of course a cowboy (like Woody from Toy Story) and do all three things at once - every day! :)
I love him!
He is full of joy, cracks himself up laughing, thinks "Pineapple Underpants" is the silliest phrase in the world (from Mickey Mouse Clubhouse) and he is my big, sweet man!
I love you, John Patrick!

I can't sew him longalls or bubbles anymore and one day he won't even let me make him appliqued shirts or pairs of shorts. So right now I'm loving every minute of him being excited about the things I do make for him. (I'm getting teary-eyed!) Why do they grow up? :)


Beth said...

That's too cute. I love the guitar, and we love Toy Story too, but my guy wants to be Buzz. Hopefully he doesn't grow up too fast, and eventually he'll want you to make things for him again.

Naturally Carol said...

When they grow up they still want mending done and seat covers for their cars made! He's a cool looking guy now with his new shirt.

Rachel said...

I love the guitar! He looks like he is having fun showing it off.