Thursday, July 7, 2011

Sewing up a Silk Dress for Summer

Do you ever go to the fabric store and wonder where the "real" fabric is? Like the kind of fabric that clothing companies use to make clothes they sell in stores? The more and more I sew, the more and more I want to sew for myself. I see blogs like Elle Apparel with this amazing number:

Or read posts from A Pair and a Spare, an amazing Do-It-Yourself blog, that focuses on thrifting, repurposing, creating from scratch (and you get to see all her amazing travel photos) and would love to see what's in her closet. Check out this lace cami she made:

I dream of a new kind of fabric store. A store where fabrics are amazing to touch, bring instant inspiration and carry fabrics that could be turned into boutique clothing pieces for women. The fabric stores here focus on quilting fabrics, some clothing fabrics (linen, linen blends, poly/rayon blends) and then your typical costume or dress-making fabrics (super shiny). 
Last time I went to my fabric store I decided I was going to stay there until something sparked my interest. AND I FOUND IT.
SILK - my new love
I bought a yard of it and tons of ideas flooded my mind but two ideas stood out: a maxi dress or a mini dress.
I went for the mini, sewed it up that afternoon and wore it to a wedding shower.
Purple silk. Soft to the touch. Delicate on the skin.
And it felt great knowing that I made it.


So please comment and let me know:
What have you been making? Where do you buy clothing fabric for yourself?


Sarah @ This Crazy Blessed Life said...

I've been sewing your Laurie Claire pattern tons lately! I used it to make a swim suit cover up from 2 $3 beach towels & I made my little miss a dress using your pattern for inspiration :)

And I'm all about repurposing, so I've been perusing clearance racks and my closet to find some fabrics to use!

Jenny Hall / Seamingly Smitten said...

Sarah that is awesome! What a great idea to use beach towels! That is so much fabric and it's perfect for a cover-up. If you have leftover material you could always make your little girl a similar version and add some straps to make it kid-friendly. Heading over to check out your blog and your little girl's dress!

OrloSubito said...

This dress is soso beautiful, here in Italy I found many fabrics nice to make clothing, is just a little expensive too:-D
After my wedding (I made my wedding dress), I have been stitching some t-shirts for my family in Colombia and for my husband!!:-)
check it out on my blog:-)

Kelli said...

Look at you buying the silk! I am like you that other than quilting cottons, I'm a little iffy and what to get and always wonder where others get such great fabrics! You look as cute as ever. That silk is absolutely beautiful and you wear it very well. Great job as always!!

خياطة وتفصيل said...

thank you so much :)