I needed to take that craft break to refresh myself and restart my creativity! Does anyone ever take a crafting break? It isn't that my inspiration notebook isn't jammed packed with designs, ideas, and drawings of things that I want to make. No, that isn't the problem. I just needed to step away from my sewing studio and hang out with my babies (okay they are 3 and 2 years old but will always be my babies). That gives me pure joy!
Well it's time to get back to what I love to do! Sew, create, make patterns and design. Here's a dress I'm making for myself. It's gathered at one side and has a side zipper. It's draped and feminine and when I see it I want to wear it NOW (but it needs to be sewn)...so I will keep you posted.
Kelli from Small Town Stitcher just posted about the top 5 things she wants to accomplish now that her kids are back in school. I think this is such a great idea because I know if I write it down it is more likely to be done!
(in September)
1. Finish a dress for myself with a side zipper (see photo above...I LOVE IT and can't wait to wear it!)
2. Research and buy a serger (What kind do you have?)
3. Make a new fall pattern for WOMEN! (I have two in mind)
4. Sew Catherine a peasant dress.
5. Get back to BLOGGING! I 've taken a huge break!
What are you working on?