
Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Linky Party & Banned from Buying Fabric for a month!

No Restraint!

Have you ever been to the fabric store and obviously been in quite a creative mood and bought a little too much fabric? Ok, maybe a little more than just a little too much? Like 10 different prints that were all too pretty to pass up and a yard each? Well...that happened this past Sunday and when I got home and my husband saw the bag he was, what can I call it, um.....quite unhappy. :) He told me I had no restraint and I said of course I do! (obviously, wouldn't that be the right answer at that moment?) He told me he bet I couldn't buy fabric for a month and the sassy side of me came out and I said I bet I could and I will go more than a month! (What the heck was I thinking!) So my craft budget is now zero til March 15th.

Good thing I have a stockpile of fun fabric

and plenty of new ideas!

And here is a sweet little baby dress I made for a friend who is having a little girl next month. Girls always get pink but also look beautiful in blue so I came up with this baby blue halter that will bring out those baby blue eyes!

LINKY PARTY! Favorites from last week's Linky Party:

Vintage Ruffle sweet!

Office Dress - love it with the belt!

Valentine Dress - love the heart fabric!

LINKY PARTY! You've Sewed It Off now Show It Off!

Link up your newest creations! Please become a follower if you aren't already and post my button on your blog post so others can join, too!


  1. thanx for stopping by my blog! I'm grabbing one of your buttons:D

  2. Thanks for the sweet comment and invite to link up --- gonna have fun exploring your interesting blog today!

  3. lol! yes this has happened to me!...I usually just leave one of my bags in the car until my hubby goes somewhere! lol! he doesn't really care about the money because I just use the money I make off of orders but he hates the bags and bags of unused fabric lying around! so I have to stuff them into cabinets so they are out of his site as much as possible...clutter drives him crazy!

  4. Thanks for stopping by my blog, I linked up!

    I love baby girls in blue too.

  5. Lol... I had to laugh about the fabric buying - I totally am a bit the same when in a fabric store... you wander around, surrounded by beautiful prints and textures, you run your hands over the fabrics, imagine all the wonderful things you could make, internally debate it (because you know you have yards & yards of fabric already waiting to realise your imaginings) but eventually you give in and take a little of everything... only to drive home wondering how you'll explain to hubby why you just had to have the fabric - good thing hubby understands (tries to) my 'fabric fetish' :)...and that the fabric store is a 50mile round trip away!
    Happy sewing...(and may a month of no fabric buying pass super quick and painlessly for you)Cheers
    The Spangler @
    The Quick Unpick"

  6. I love all your new creations..the lovely big blue bow and the hot pink hearts! Looks like you're having a lot of fun.

  7. Oh goodness, I hear you! I have a suitcase of fabric literally bursting at the seams, yet I feel drawn to fabric every time I walk into an op-shop (Australian thrift store), and just cant help myself

  8. It seems that most of us having a same fetish, on fabrics. My husband hates fabric shoppings. Fortunately, my latest favorite fabric store has some comfy sofas and some drinks, so I can get my whole time around while he is tied up on his sofa and his phone XD

    ps : I'm a new follower of you, I've grabbed your link party button for my blog

  9. I've been banned from the fabric store a time or two. Good luck! I've awarded you the Stylish Blogger award. Check here if you want to accept:

  10. I see just now my dress here!!! thank you:-)
