
Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Sunglass Case Tutorial

I never wear sunglasses. Never. I always think they look funny on my face or I can never find the right shape. BUT I love sunglasses! I think other people look great in them. My husband has always wanted the aviator style sunglasses and I didn't want him to get them because when he wanted them they weren't popular. Like for the last 10 years! I tried kindly suggesting back then that they were a little Top Gun"ish" for him. But now they are everywhere and I'm kind of loving them!

Anyway I finally found a pair that I love and I feel they fit my oval shaped (long) face. YAY! So I wanted to get/make a case for them. Things always get scratched up in my purse or diaper bag or in the console, so I wanted these to be a little safer. So I whipped up a new Sunglass Case Tutorial! Enjoy!

Sunglass Case Tutorial


12 inches x 11 inches fabric

12 inches x 11 inches lining fabric (something soft)

scissors, thread, sewing machine

sunglasses :)

1. Cut your fabric and your lining. Lay your lining fabric right side DOWN and lay your outer fabric on top, right side UP.

2. Fold each piece of fabric in a half inch along one edge (on the 11 inch side). The folded edges should touch each other. Press this edge with an iron.

3. Sew down this edge only using a 1/8 inch seam allowance. Clip threads.

4. Fold in half lengthwise with right sides together of your main fabric. Pin the outer edge. Sew this long edge using a 5/8 inch seam allowance.

5. Lay your seam in the center like shown above. This will be your back center seam. Press down with an iron and pin the bottom /unsewn edge.

6. Sew along this line using a 5/8 inch seam allowance.

7. Turn inside out and PRESTO! You have a very chic sunglass holder! (Next time I would have added a rosette or a ruffle before I began sewing. But these are so easy to whip up I just might make another one soon!)


Sunday, March 27, 2011

Ruffled Halter Dress - Pattern Testers Needed - PDF sewing pattern

Pattern Testers Needed

Here's my newest pattern: The Catherine Claire Ruffled Halter Dress

My newest pattern is done! It is the perfect dress for those hot days ahead! It is a ruffled halter dress that ties in a bow in the front. Super sweet and easy to make.

I need 5 pattern testers. If you can whip up this dress, send some pictures to me and give me some feedback by this Friday, please leave a comment with your email address and the size you can make. I'll email you with the pattern and more information if you are chosen.

*Pattern does not have paper pattern pieces to cut out - the dimensions of the pieces are in a chart. The directions are done tutorial-style with step-by-step color photo illustrations to help you along the way.

*Sewing level: beginner to intermediate Sizes available: 6-9months, 9-12months, 1-2 years, 3-4 years, 5-6 years.

*I hope to have this pattern up for sale by next week and then I'm going to make a Woman's version!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Women's Ruffled Halter Sundress (sewing for myself!)

My Own Halter Sundress
So this weekend my husband watched the kids for a few hours so I could have some alone time...some "me" time...some time to relax and be creative. That really refreshes me! Does anyone else feel that way? Since the weather is getting really warm down here in the South I decided I needed a new dress. I made a halter sundress with a ruched empire waist and a ruffled border. It was a little too "bunchy" and big in the chest area at first so I altered it some and now it fits perfectly! Thank goodness I had my dress form, Jeanette, to use. She looked cute in it, too. I think I'm going to wear this one A LOT! I'm thinking of using different material and making a swimsuit cover-up next. Oh I love Spring and Summer!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Pattern Testers Needed! (now closed)

The Swing Top & Pick-Me-Up Skirt

PDF Sewing Pattern for Beginners

My first PDF Sewing Pattern for beginners is coming soon!

*Pattern testers are needed in each size:

6-9months, 9-12 months, 1-2 years, 3-4 years and 5-6 years

If you would like to test this pattern and can have it completed within a week, leave a comment with your email addres. I will pass along more details if you are chosen!

I can't wait to see what you all create!

These little ladies loved their ruffles and bows and had smiles to prove it!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Girl's Ruffled Tote Bag with Pocket

Girl's Ruffled Tote Bag with Pocket
My little girl is starting to LOVE her baby dolls. Simply LOVE them! As soon as I get her out of bed in the morning she says, "Baby! Baby!" and I have to grab her baby doll out her bed so she can hold it while I get her dressed.
She's also starting to realize that picking up a purse means we are leaving the house, so she has started picking up bags (gym bags, shopping bags, backpacks), tossing them on her arm and saying, "Bye!" and heading to the back door.
I thought it would be fun to let her have her own tote bag to help her play mommy to her baby dolls and feel all grown-up like she has her own purse.
So here is the...
Ruffled Tote Bag with Pocket (for her pretend princess cell phone of course)

I think she likes it!